Square / Rectangular Filters

Showing products 10 of 122

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Cokin Nuances ND 32 Filter – Large

Like all Nuances filters, the Cokin Nuances ND 32 Filter Large is made with a new coating process to ensure uniform colour. What does this mean in real terms? It means an ND filter that won’t put a colour cast over your images, even if you stack more than one on top of each other....View more

Cokin Z-Pro Full ND Kit

Designed for photographers wanting to explore long-exposure photography, the Cokin Z-Pro Full ND Kit consists of: 1x ND2 Z152 filter (1 f-stop); 1x ND4 Z153 filter (2 f-stops); and 1x ND8 Z154 filter (3 f-stops). Designed to reduce the amount of light reaching the sensor, these filters can be used alongside a long shutter speed...View more

Cokin Z-Pro Landscape Kit

Designed for landscape photographers, the Cokin Z-Pro Landscape Kit is comprised of 3 popular graduated filters: ND8 Grad filter (Z121S) with 3-stop density and soft transition; Blue Grad filter (Z123S) with soft transition; and Tobacco Grad filter (Z125S) with soft transition. Each filter is suited to different shooting scenarios, such as the Z123S filter, which...View more

Cokin Z-Pro B+W Kit

Designed for black and white photographers, the Cokin Z-Pro Landscape Kit is comprised of 4 popular coloured filters: Yellow filter (Z001); Orange filter (Z002); Red filter (Z003); and Green filter (Z004). The filters enhance the contrast between colours in black and white photography, accentuating textures and improving the depth of field.View more

B+W 803 ND0.9 MRC nano 100x100mm Filter

This square, coated filter is for use in the B+W 100mm filter holder. It will darken the entire image and allow the use of reduced shutter speeds and wider apertures.View more

B+W 802 ND0.6 MRC nano 100x100mm Filter

This square, coated filter is for use in the B+W 100mm filter holder. It will darken the entire image and allow the use of reduced shutter speeds and wider apertures.View more

Cokin P Traveller Kit

The kit comes ready to-go already packaged in a semi-hard carrying case. All you need to do is order the correct adapter rings for your lenses and you are set to hit the road. The perfect starter kit for the landscape photographer. Each filter provides a specific effect to help you nail the shot.View more

LEE 100mm ND 1.2 Grad Medium Filter

The Lee 100mm Neutral Density (ND) 1.2 Graduated Medium filter enables users to adjust the exposure across the frame by 4 stops, without affecting the colour balance. This filter is ideal for use when elements of the scene protrude into the sky, be that the rooftops of buildings or the peaks of mountains. The nature...View more

LEE 100mm ND 1.2 Grad Very Hard Filter

The Lee 100mm Neutral Density (ND) 1.2 Graduated Very Hard filter enables users to adjust the exposure across the frame by 4 stops, without affecting colour balance. The 100 x 150 mm Very Hard ND grad is perfect for scenes such as seascapes that feature a defined horizon line. The transition between the coated and...View more

Lee Pop Graduated Set Resin Filter Set

This set of graduated filters features three primary colours – red, green and blue – for selective covering over parts of the frame. These filters are ideal for creating special effects, and can be accurately placed by using the rotational feature of the holder system, or by vertical positioning within the filter guides.View more