You will shop less and store more with the Fisher & Paykel RX628D American Style Fridge Freezer. You will never have to defrost its colossal 380-litre fridge and 199-litre freezer. It also has a holiday mode, helping it to earn an A+ energy rating. Flexible space Main storage in the fridge compartment comprises five adjustable shelves, two produce drawers and a salad crisper with humidity control. There's also generous space for bottles and jars on its door-mounted trays. Plenty of room, too, in the 199-litre freezer's shelves and drawers. No defrosting You will never have to defrost again thanks to this appliance's frost-free freezer and automatic defrost fridge. The two compartments are on separate thermostats, giving you better temperature control. Fast freeze Quick Cool and Quick Freeze functions chill and freeze food respectively. Newly loaded food is quickly brought down to the right storage temperature, and so protects stored food against temperature fluctuations. Energy saving A Holiday Mode setting saves energy while you are not using your fridge by allowing it to operate at a slightly warmer temperature. The freezer functions as normal in this mode. This fridge freezer is rated A+ for energy efficiency. Easy control Giving you easier control over the temperature and functionality of your fridge freezer, the touch-sensitive control panel is on the freezer door. And if anyone forgets to close the freezer door, they will soon know, because an alarm will sound.... More