IE40 PROThe high expectations of in-ear monitoring meets the IE40 PRO sovereign with a further developed dynamic driver system. The new diaphragm delivers a powerful, warm and precise sound even in extremely noisy environment. Even at the highest levels, the sound distortion-free and precisely defined. The IE40 PRO offers superior control for musicians and DJs and adapts itself to each earpiece: The flat, compact design combines a secure fit with excellent wearing comfort. The robust structure is from the connection to the cable guide stage safely.The IE40 PRO improves your performance by more feeling for your sound.Dynamic driver of the next generationWhile most of the IE-systems on multi-way solutions from hearing aids, uses the IE40 PRO a dynamic driver of the next generation. The frequency range does not need to be in parts of zerstuckelt, but remains a harmonious whole. It sounds like "cast from a single mold" and its frequency spectrum is significantly extended. There is no distortion, because the special membrane - in contrast to the stiffer drive principle of multi-way driver - even at the highest levels , resonates. Also phase problems and dissonances in the inner ear are therefore excluded. The difference is in the entry-level model can be heard.Small. Fine. Comfortable.A large sound image, small in the ear: Enhanced Driver system brings a clearly expanded sound bandwidth in the ear of musicians, sound engineers and DJs. The design, on the other hand, we have optimized, with hundreds of ohrformen abgepasst and redesigned. The result is flat, sits securely and falls even with long and longest sessions no weight.Re-invented in detailWithout monitoring sound in any performance. According to reliable is the IE40 PRO-design. We have even the stage secure wiring re-invented the internal cable routing is unique (patent application is running). In short, the new system holds great expectations as well as high level loads.This text is machine translated.... More